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Monday, 1 August 2005

I've had a recent surge of creativity in the last few days. Usually when this happens I add more materials to my ongoing collection of tables. This time, since I'm on an old school jag, I copied some of the tables (tricks and traps) from the 1e DMG, added some more entries from 3e, and then added some of my own entries.

I have also worked up some encounter tables (really, they're for populating a dungeon) from M&T. I worked from the assumption that a first level party should have a couple of levels to delve through, each level getting harder, before they are actually fighting monsters that are appropriate for a second level party. Thus, I did three tables for a first level party, at easy, medium, and hard difficulty. I've posted these on DF and on the TLG message boards to get some comments. When I'm done, I'll probably post them on the Wondrous Resource.

All of this comes from the fact that I've been working up the first dungeon crawl since playing C&C at a lower level (our first party was 10th level, imported from a running 3e campaign).

Posted by mythmere at 7:07 PM CDT
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