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Monster Index
Ogre Giant
Scaly Yowlinkrake
Shadow Golem
Shadowy Ooze
Vile Rat

Monsters for C&C!

Size: Small
HD: 1d8+2
Move: 30 ft.
AC: 15
Attacks: Bite (1d2)
Special: Dander, Burrow, Scent
Saves: P
Int: Low
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Type: Fey
Treasure: Not a whole lot
XP: 20+2 (I think - 1 HD with two Type 1 abilities)

The danderdandy is a cat-sized creature resembling a tiny, overly shaggy wolf-head with minute arms and legs. Where-ever it goes it leaves a trail of dander, revealing it as it does it's mischief. Anyone within 10 ft. of a danderdandy must make a Constitution save each round or lose their next action to sneezing, though this does not impair their ability to defend themselves passively. Additionally, danderdandies may burrow through loose soil as quickly as a mole, and have a sense of smell as keen as a wolf.
Author: Richard Hughes, copyright 2005. OGL incorporated by reference

Makina (plural Makinoi)
Size: M
HD: 4d12 (avg 26)
Move: 30 ft.
AC: 20
Attacks: two weapons (by weapon) or 2 fists (1d6)
Special: Immune to all spells except force spells
Saves: P
Int: Non
Alignment: Neutral
Type: Construct
Treasure: None
XP: 140+4 (avg. 244 total)

Makinoi are suits of armor animated from within by a trapped spirit. They are used in the armies or bodyguards of evil wizards or clerics willing to enslave a soul to the task of inhabiting the armor. When a Makina is destroyed, its armor falls in useless pieces to the ground, and the trapped soul escapes. It cannot be turned as undead.
Author: Mythmere. Copyright 2005. OGL incorporated by reference.

Ogre Giant
Size: H
HD: 20d12 + 50 (avg 180)
Move: 40 ft.
AC: 20 (includes hide armor)
Attacks: club (5d8+10)
Special: None
Saves: P
Int: Low
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Type: Giant
Treasure: as per HD
XP: 6,530+20/hp
Ogre giants are brutish giants with features similar to those of ogres. It is not known whether they are actually related to their smaller brethren, but it seems likely. They get along well with ogres and will often cooperate with ogre tribes. Ogre giants may also be found working with orc tribes or as the servants of powerful evil leaders.
Author: Mythmere. Copyright 2005. OGL incorporated by reference.

Scaly Yowlinkrake
Size: M
HD: 6d10+12 (45 hps)
Move: 20 ft.
AC: 18
Attacks: bite (1d8+3)
Special: Damaging scream when hit, hard to detect.
Saves: P
Int: Animal
Alignment: Neutral
Type: Magical beast
Treasure: Standard
XP: 600+4
Scaly Yowlinkrakes are normally subterranean or forest beasts, but may, upon occasion, range beyond the shadowed places in which they prefer to lair, hunting fresh meat. Their appearance is similar to that of a monstrous, man-sized lizard (basilisk minis do nicely), but their hide is rough and scaly and the head is broad with a wide, toothy maw.
The yowlinkrake does not move quickly enough to chase prey, so it usually waits in a torpid state, well hidden, until prey comes near. Because it can remain perfectly motionless while in torpor, and because it is naturally good at hiding itself, its potential prey suffer a –3 on die rolls to avoid surprise.
The scaly yowlinkrake normally charges from ambush (+2 damage bonus, -4 to AC) in the surprise round (or in the first combat round, as applicable).
Whenever a scaly yowlinkrake receives damage, it utters a piercing shriek that inflicts 2d10 hps of damage to anyone within 50 feet (a successful constitution saving throw will reduce such damage by one half). For this reason, scaly yowlinkrakes are often used as guard-beasts by other, more intelligent monsters.
Yowlinkrakes can be returned to a torpid condition by pleasant music and/or song. A successful charisma check permits a character to sing the beast back into torpor. Only bards may add their level to a die roll for this check. If the yowlincrake is damaged while torpid, it will resume its attack. Normally, successfully returning a yowlinkrake to torpor would be considered a victory over it, with experience points awarded.
Author: Mythmere. Copyright 2005. OGL incorporated by reference.

Shadow Golem
Size: H
HD: 8d12
Move: 30 ft.
AC: 18
Attacks: 2 Slam attacks (1d4 + 1d6 cold + ability damage)
Special: Incorporeal, Immunities, unusual turn undead result, break into shadows
Saves: P&M
Int: Non
Alignment: Neutral (evil)
Type: Incorporeal Construct (undead)
Treasure: None, but often placed as a guard
XP: 2150+8
Shadow golems are constructed by evil wizards or clerics out of the very material of shadow. The nature of the creation process is not generally known.
When a shadow golem hits, it does an additional 1d6 of cold damage and (provided that the target is not immune to cold) the target must make a saving throw vs. constitution (CL 2) or suffer 1d2 points of temporary dexterity loss from the supernatural chill of the golem’s touch. Lost dexterity points will return at a rate of one per hour.
Because its substance is incorporeal, a shadow golem can only be hit by magic weapons, and even spells and magic weapons have a 50% chance of failing to damage it. The exception to this rule is force spells, which will do full damage. When attacking, the golem’s slam attacks are not impeded by normal armor or shields, which grant no AC bonus against the golem’s attacks.
Shadow golems are immune to critical hits, diseases, any mind-affecting magic, poisons, sleep, paralysis and polymorph.
If a shadow golem is successfully turned, it loses some of its shadow substance. The golem itself will not retreat as a result of turning, but it will lose 25% of its remaining hit points. If a golem has been the target of a successful turning, it will not create as many shadows when it is killed (see below) – the number of shadows it creates is reduced by two for each successful turning.
When a shadow golem is reduced to 0 hit points, the shadows comprising it will be freed, and will form into 8 shadows (one per hit die of the golem).
Author: Mythmere. Copyright 2005. OGL incorporated by reference.

Shadowy Ooze
Size: L
HD: 10d10 (55 hp)
Move: 20 ft. (climb 20)
AC: 15
Attacks: Slam (1d10 + disease)
Special: Disease, Immunities
Saves: P
Int: Non
Alignment: Neutral
Type: Ooze (undead)
Treasure: None
XP: 2115+10/hp (avg. 2,665 total)
Shadowy oozes inhabit some of the darker regions of the Shadow Planes. They are a foul and undead substance, somehow brought to a hideous unlife.
When a shadow ooze hits an opponent, the target must make a saving throw vs. disease (Con). If the character is infected, he begins to transform into a shadowy ooze. The process of transformation takes a full week to complete and is reversible by a cure disease spell or other means of removing a disease, including medicines. The process, however, is immediately so painful that an infected person incurs 1d4 hps of damage per round, is immediately restricted to half his normal movement rate, and cannot cast spells or attack. He may execute a hasty withdrawal from combat at his lowered movement rate, but cannot execute a fighting withdrawal.
If a character dies from the pain of the ooze transformation, the transformation will continue until it has run its course. If a character becomes fully transformed into a shadowy ooze, he cannot be raised by means of a raise dead spell.
As oozes, shadowy oozes are immune to critical hits, diseases, any mind-affecting magic, poisons, sleep, paralysis, and polymorph. They are also immune to piercing damage.
At the CK’s discretion, a wizard, cleric, or bard with some knowledge of the Shadow Planes will gain an intelligence check at CL 5 to know basic information about shadowy oozes.
Author: Mythmere. Copyright 2005. OGL incorporated by reference.

Vile Rat
Size: M
HD: 4d8 (avg 18)
Move: 40 ft.
AC: 12
Attacks: bite (1d10 + disease)
Special: grip
Saves: N
Int: Animal
Alignment: Neutral
Type: Animal
Treasure: None
XP: 160 + 6/hp (avg 268 total)

Vile rats are monstrously large rats known to inhabit some tunnel complexes. If a tomb rat makes a successful bite attack, it grips the target and does not let go, inflicting additional damage of 1d6 automatically each round thereafter. Wounds inflicted by a Vile rat cause disease unless the victim makes a successful CON save.
Author: Mythmere. Copyright 2005. OGL incorporated by reference.

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