One thing I wish we had: specialist casters in addition to the illusionist. Especially necromancers, although that would mainly be an NPC class.
I don't think that 3E handled this matter particularly well - the specialist wizards have access to a large pool of arcane spells in 3E, and they're a bit better at casting their own spells. But there's not the feeling of true specialization like you get with the C&C illusionist. C&C Illusionists have an entirely different spell-set from wizards, and that's what I'd like to see with other magical specialists.
This may be something I turn my hand to eventually, but I might wait until I see the CKG guidelines for character class generation. It isn't like there aren't tons of other C&C projects I've got in mind.
One thing I'm working on right now is a planar campaign setting I'm going to call Mythmere's Myriad Worlds (with a cool little "tm" next to it). I was working on it for a while before I ran into C&C, using d20 rules. However, something about the C&C rule-set gave me an interesting new take on planes of existence, something that I think radically removes planar adventuring from the Planescape model that has dominated all planar adventuring since it was published.
Anyway, that's all for now. I'm still eagerly awaiting the appearance of all the product that's due out this month.
I can't believe that with all the stuff in the works, the Troll Lords are going to try to produce a free pdf - it's a GREAT idea, as I've opined before in the blog, but the guys are trying to move mountains at this point. If everything that's supposed tome out this month actually does, I'll be shocked and amazed.
Posted by mythmere
at 12:44 PM CST