We'll start with the other stuff.
The Castles & Crusades Society is working together on a pdf to contain mini-adventures for C&C. The link is http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/CandC_Society/
If you've got a short adventure of your own design, come and visit!
For the first time around, I'm editor in chief, and Scadgrad is the Art Director. The artwork by Scadgrad, which is posted in the group, is worth the trip just for its own sake.
Waiting for Godot
As everyone knows, neither M&T nor Yggsburgh is on the shelves or in the mail yet. This is, of course, disappointing, but it's not unexpected -- see my earlier blog entries.
When I was a kid, whenever we went to one of those buffet type restaurants, I used to pile my tray high with stuff, and my mother would look at it and say, "You've got eyes bigger than your stomach." By this she meant that I was getting more food than I could eat. The Trolls are in a similar situation - they are committed to more product than the company can produce in the time frame they want to produce it in. You run into this sort of problem when you publish a hit game and you've only got a couple of people in the company to handle the situation.
I don't blame them for the delays, but it's frustrating. On the other hand, I wouldn't want a repeat of the grammatical flaws that marred the CCPHB, so I'm willing to wait. Not that while I'm waiting I think they should sleep, or anything...
Posted by mythmere
at 6:51 PM CDT