My wife is in New York at the moment, so that frees up the computer for a little "input time" for C&C notes I've been jotting down in notebooks (we only have one computer attached to the net).
So, since Thursday, I've been happily putzing aroung doing C&C things. I put up several links to resources on the website (not new ones, just ones I hadn't put up yet - ElderEye's goldenrod character sheet, Colin Sez, link to the Keeper's Den, etc).
I closed out the poll for naming what is now officially the C&C Society Gazeteer, and turned in my submission for editing.
I've had a chance to read up on all the message boards, and now to update the blog.
I'm very excited about M&T, and I've put up a bunch of reviews. Now, unlike most people, I'm looking forward to the PHB second printing more than Castle Zagyg. Why? Because TLG is starting to see some competition from other "rules lite" games. We need to have a PHB that can stand next to a Green Ronin product on a store shelf and be the one the consumer walks off with. I don't know how many of the first-printing PHBs are still unsold, but it seems that CZ, HoMP and M&T have occupied the Trolls to the exclusion of all else.
It's time now to fix up the core rulebook - fast - so that the game's momentum can continue. So far, we've been riding on the fact that there hasn't been another choice for a good rules-lite game. Now, the PHB has to have better shelf appeal than another game, and the shelf appeal of the 1st printing isn't great. It's the best RPG written, but it doesn't reach out and grab someone who's browsing. We need the revisions, and we need the new printing with Pete's layout.
Posted by mythmere
at 11:12 AM CDT